My Little Pie

My Little Pie

Monday 9 November 2020

Amazing improvement!

 I'm so terrible at writing here so i thought it was about time i did an update again. 

We have had amazing improvement with her food and overall health. When i posted my last post we had run out of homeopathic zinc for her and her naturopath suspected that was the cause of things going backward. I've learned that zinc is essential for closing the leaks in the gut lining and no matter how much gut healing you try to do. If you are zinc deficient it won't help. Within 2.5wks of starting it again we managed to add back in all the newest safes she had lost. Plus we have added more foods!! 

Most exciting is chicken, dairy and EGG!! Egg is especially huge!! After being so allergic to it, it still seems almost bad to feed it to her. But she's loving it! Omelette is her new favourite food. 

Another massive improvement we've had is in sleep!! For the past 3wks she has mostly been sleeping through the night! Crazy seeing as before that i was still often only getting 3-4hrs of sleep from her. I'm loving it. And the funniest thing is even though she is sleeping so much better at night she's having longer day sleeps too. She's finally catching up on 21 months of barely any sleep!! Woohoo! 

We are so thankful to God for these improvements and pray they continue. It's been a lovely breath of fresh air and just what we've all desperately needed.