My Little Pie

My Little Pie

Wednesday 19 November 2014


I'm sorry it's been such a long time since i'm updated this blog. I just keep forgetting! Things have been going great for Iyla food wise lately. On top of her recent dairy and chicken passes she has also added egg and carrot to her diet!! So exciting! It is great to see her diet expanding so much and with such awesome foods! Because of this I was starting to think that maybe she had outgrown all her allergies...that was wishful thinking!! Last Friday i gave her a small piece of apple. It wasn't such a good idea! The next day on top of being miserable from that reaction she drank some water out of a bucket that had fish in it while on a fishing trip. There was quite a few big vomits and screaming and lots of disgusting poo the next day. Then on top of that she caught a horrible flu with high fevers. It's been a long week!!

I'm looking forward to her getting better and then starting some new foods. I have no idea what to try yet but probably another vegetable.

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