My Little Pie

My Little Pie

Thursday 28 May 2020

No reaction to egg!!

I am totally in shock still but so thankful to God for answering many many prayers. Yesterday Halle accidentally got some egg and ate it. She didn't have any reaction! Nothing! She's been her happy little self since! I really wasn't expecting her to grow out of her acute FPIES trigger so young. It is a dream come true!

We aren't planning on giving her more egg just yet as it's still very highly likely that she could now be just intolerant to it and like with many other foods it builds up as a reaction over a few days of eating it. We aren't ready to risk it yet with such a dangerous food. We have many other foods that are more important to try add to her diet first and we don't want to risk sending things backward again by messing up her gut.

We know she hasn't outgrown all her allergies yet as we have just had to stop feeding her almonds too. So right now she is living off red meat, broth, her safe veg, coconut oil, honey, homemade jelly, dates, bananas and breastmilk. We are forced into doing the GAPS intro stage one diet. But i think it will be good for her. We will follow the GAPS protocol as we introduce more foods too just so she gets the most healing done for her.   

We are also in the process of doing a gentle heavy metal cleanse for both of us. I have an amalgam filling that has been slowly chipping since i was pregnant with Halle. The effects of mercury can be devastating and can definitely affect gut health badly. I know mercury can pass into breastmilk so Halle is constantly exposed to it. We are hoping that by doing this detox her body will be better able to heal. I am also planning on weaning her soon. After that is done we will start the journey of adding more foods again. We are praying this time we have better success and we can add more foods to her diet. I am extremely excited to stop breastfeeding and start eating more too!! Also once i've stopped feeding her i can get my tooth sorted out.

1 comment:

  1. Great news Tash, will continue to pray for you both...lots of love
