My Little Pie

My Little Pie

Monday 29 June 2020

Rough few weeks

The last few weeks have been very trying for all of us. Halle had another acute FPIES reaction to an unknown food. After that she just couldn't get better. The pooing, crying, not sleeping, spots and puffy eyes just kept on going. We had a few good days here and there but overall it hasn't been much fun. We've had to cut 4 more foods out of her diet as her body decided she was now allergic to them too 😔. She now only has 9 safe foods/ingredients. It is such a limited amount and she is really noticing now that she isn't eating the same as me anymore. She gets so upset and often throws big tantrums when she can't have what i'm eating. It is the most heartbreaking thing. I feel so sad for her. She now lives off only 3 veggies (carrot, sweet potato and pumpkin) 2 fruits (banana and dates) 2 meats (lamb and beef) and honey and coconut oil. Getting creative just isn't really an option anymore. So she eats the same things day in and day out.

Thankfully the last two days we have seen she is finally lots happier. She has even slept through the night 2 nights in a row!! Amazing!! She is still pretty lethargic all the time though and spends a lot of time sitting on my lap just chilling. I do love the snuggles 😃. We found out yesterday after testing from a naturopath i took her to that she is severely anaemic and that is probably why she doesn't have much energy. Hopefully the iron supplement we are going to try she will tolerate and we can see some improvement for her. She is also deficient in lots of other things which makes sense. We are waiting for more results so we can know where to go from here.

We are all very emotionally drained and exhausted from the constant brain power it has taken to try work out what has been making her so sick. I'm praying Halle gets a bit of a break from reactions for awhile so we can all recharge and her gut can try heal again from all the damage.

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