...I started this crazy, daunting, rewarding and beautiful journey of motherhood. It has been a real roller coaster of a journey to say the least! Before having Abbey, we thought that it wasn't possible to get a more difficult child then Connor. He cried almost all day every day for the first 10 months of his life. After that started the tantrums, the need of constant attention and the endless energy he seemed to have. Being our first we just didn't really know what we were doing and were just fumbling along.
By the time Abbey was on her way, we were hoping that having a sibling would calm him down and teach him that he wasn't the only kid in the world. We didn't expect the problems we were about to face with Abbey and because she needed so much of our attention and drained, especially me, of all my energy Connor was missing out on attention and the tantrums increased by 10 fold.
Thankfully learning about Abbey's allergies has been a blessing in disguise for Connor. Looking back on that first year of his life we know for sure now that he suffered from Milk Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI). It perfectly explained the spewing, the diarrhoea, and the screaming. A few months ago he was still suffering from diarrhoea and i had been putting it down to a fast metabolism. But pooing 5-8 times a day was just getting crazy and toilet training was going to be impossible! Over the past few months i have also been looking into his diet and trying to figure out if maybe he still had a few allergies.
So far i have worked out that he is allergic to banana, chocolate (cocoa) and coconut. If he has only a small amount of these foods the diarrhoea will return and he will develop a rash around his mouth. Since cutting these foods we have also noticed a HUGE improvement in his behaviour! He is heaps calmer and his tantrums aren't half as bad anymore. It is so enjoyable watching him now and seeing his happy, fun loving, adorable character shine through. Although it has been a difficult 3 years he has been so worth it and i can't imagine my life without him! I praise God for blessing me with my 2 amazing kids. They have taught me so much!
So a BIG happy birthday to my handsome little man!
And that's the great thing about trials, As Paul points out in Romans - "we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope". Luv mum.